30 days resolution!

What is it?
First thing is first, right?

2022 has just started same as your wishes to be a better version of yourself.

The opportunities are right here in front you and only YOU can do the first step to change your reality.

I’m here to help you to achieve your goals. I’m here to give you that extra push that you’ve been looking for to start changing your life.

To achieve lasting health, we need to understand the importance of the body, mind and soul and how they work together to build our overall well-being. A healthy body keeps you well and active. A healthy mind keeps you focused and engaged. A healthy soul keeps you fulfilled and content.”

They are all connected.

In these 30 days you have the opportunity to start a new routine that will change your life for better.

Why? Because you will learn the balance between mind, body and soul.

You will learn a healthier way to live your life and the “old” way won’t fit in your routine anymore.

After you get everything set in your mind, after you have that conversation with yourself, set some goals and stick to it.

What do you want to achieve in 30 days?

In our 30 days Resolutions there’s no restrictions, there is no food that you are not allowed to have. First because doesn’t exist “bad food”, there is food with less nutritional value, but doesn’t mean that they are bad.

Our exercise plan is programmed according to your lifestyle. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t like, I want you to stick with the plan for 30 days to learn how to change your habits and get used to it by doing whatever YOU like.

Everything is a balance, and that’s what I want you to learn and teach yourself. No more crazy diets and suffering to achieve your better version. It has to be enjoyable to keep it real and achievable.

You are probably asking yourself, why 30 days?

30 days is perfect to start with. Not a big number, not many days, which means, less obstacles, making you focus on having small changes weekly, resulting in a more long term transition.

A life style changer! Easier for our brain to understand the new habits we are adding into our life. Less pressure, less chance of self sabotage.

My job here is make you understand what your body needs, showing you that we don’t need to restrict ourselves to achieve our better version, when I say better version, I’m talking about the overall, (our mind, body and soul). We can not change our lifestyle if our mind is not set for that, if our soul is not on the same tune and if our body is not prepared for different stimulus.

Changing your life style is not an easy task, we gonna find a few obstacles during the way, but when we have goals and someone that we count on it, I can guarantee that it gets easier and smoother, we just need to enjoy the journey and appreciate the gains.

And because I have been through all the steps to get where I am today, in the position to help others, I’m very committed to improve your overall wellness, I’m comfortable and I’ll make your feel comfortable also to share with me about your daily habits, mental health and lifestyle barriers you face.

I’m looking forward to work together with you and establish new habits to achieve the body, the peace of mind and the life style you want.

In this 30 days resolutions, we have included:

4 weeks exercise program that can be done at home or gym (according to your goals and availability)

  • Personalized meal plan
  • Supplements advice
  • Daily stretches routine
  • Daily support available
  • Recipe ideas
  • Meditation tips

Your options are:

  • Bulk season: gain more muscles
  • Get lean: lose some fat and be fitter
  • Maintain weight and fitness
  • Customized / Sport specific focus

After 30 days you might experience:

  • Less bloating
  • Improved confidence
  • Clearer and beautiful skin
  • Less mood swings
  • Reduced body aches and pains
  • Improved attention
  • Be present
  • More restful sleep
  • Higher energy levels
  • Feel stronger and fitter
  • Mindfulness
  • Selflove
  • Non restrictive eating habits
  • Understand your body better
  • Tools to apply to daily life

You will become fitter, stronger and happier!

I’m very excited to work with you and help you to change your life. 30 days resolution is not only a temporary challenge, it’s the open door for a new beginning, for better days, better life, better version of yourself, a healthier chapter of your life.”

Eat well, move well, think well. Healthy is the new black.


$ 249


$ 149


$ 39


Before you finalize your purchase, tell me more about you!

My Journey

My own journey has helped me to understand what our body goes through during the beginning of our fitness journey. All the plans we make to get the “perfect body” comes with some disappointments along the way. Its not that easy as social media shows. The perfect body does not exist! What exists is your body, it was made right for you, according to your needs.

We need to stop comparing ourselves with someone we see on the other side of the screen. Most of those “perfect bodies”, have to go through a lot of restrictions, crazy diets and dehydration to get the best photo-shoot, and I know that because I went through that too. Its not healthy, it does not last, its not worthy it.

Our bodies needs attention, nutrition and love!

We are special and unique the way we are, we need to accept our emotions for what they are and putting our physical, emotional and mental well-being first and trust me, when we do that, everything flows.

About Me

Hi, I’m Lara! Pleasure to meet you.
I will be your Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach.

I become passionate about Health and Fitness when I discovered how magical our bodies are, its was a while ago, 12 years to be specific.

All my personal experiences inspired me to learn a bit more about our body physiology, how everything works, why our muscles grow, how we lose fat, which food we need to eat to give the nutrients our bodies need, why we need different type of training to achieve our personal goal and the last but not least why our mind has an important role in our well-being.

I have always been very curious and that pushed me to start studying, doing research and applying everything in my personal life which made me comprehend and accept the outcome a bit better (well, I’m continuing to test myself – that’s what I think is the best way to see what actually works).

I’m passioned about helping people find the right balance for them, which means that they can enjoy their lives at their fullest, be healthy, fit and confident with themselves. Life is too good and too short to make it miserable. 🙂

My goal is to have the most positive impact that I can on the lives of my clients, helping them become the healthiest, happiest version of themselves.

This goes way beyond helping people look the best they ever have, that’s a given, this also covers performance, mindset, motivation and lifestyle. That’s who I am and I am pretty excited to get to know you too!”